Localhost: Lightning Talks VIII
We're hosting an evening of lightning talks at at the Recurse Center!
This Localhost will feature talks from current Recursers and alums about Python's natural language processing tools, using public data for police oversight and accountability, and more!
Food and drinks will be available at 7:00 pm, and there will be talks from 7:30 - 8:15 pm. We will not have a dedicated Q&A session, but you'll be able to chat with the speakers after the talks.
Our speakers:
- Valerie Woolard, Summer 1, 2019, on an adventure in fun applications of Python's natural language processing tools using the text of Alice in Wonderland.
- Eileen McFarland, Spring 1, 2019, on OpenOversight, a web app that promotes police oversight and accountability through public data.
- Josh Morrow, Summer 1, 2019, on reinforcement learning as the path to general AI